Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Love Story

   The other day I saw this picture posted on Facebook, with the tag-line "Seriously, how the hell do billions of people believe this?". I admit it was a knee-jerk reaction when I commented 'Who ever wrote this has obviously never read the Bible.'. I actually wanted to go on a rant and pick the statements apart and expose the source (Atheist as a bunch of fools. But I felt a hand of restraint hold me back. (Thank you, Jesus)
   Over the past few days, as I have reflected on this, I have come to realize how sad this all is. You see, billions of people do not believe this. We believe that a loving God created us in His image for fellowship with Him, that we were created with a free will so that we could appreciate how glorious that fellowship is. But our free will also allowed us to pridefully turn away from that fellowship. It is that pride, that arrogance, that is the original sin, and it is that pride at the very heart of the graphical statement illustrated above.
   Many people, and not just the atheist groups, have a hard time wrapping their heads around this whole concept. And I admit it was a tough one for me for a long time, but here is the basic scenario.
   From the moment of that first sin God has worked on bringing us to an understanding of our folly, and bring us back to our original fellowship with Him. This is the main theme of the entire Bible.
  So when God came to us in the flesh, in the person of Jesus, This was God getting right in our face so to speak, and saying 'This is how much I love you. I am willing to take on all the horror your act of sin has caused in the world and pay the bloody price for it. Please just come back to me. I miss our fellowship.'
  So that is why I am so saddened when I read these mis-informed statements about what we believe, and who God is and what he does. The truth is right there in the Bible; "That God so loved the world that He..." You Know the rest. If you don't, read the Bible. (HINT: it's in John 3:16)