Friday, September 2, 2011

This is the day the Lord has made...

  Christians have fallen into a trap of prescribing certain things to be done at certain times, such as church happens on Sundays and possibly Wednesday, Prayer time is in the morning and evening, on Saturday we may set a time to go out to witness. The trap is that we have lost sight that all of the above are to take place at anytime, anyplace in our moment to moment walk with Jesus.
  We are the church, we are called to be constantly in prayer, our very life is to be our witness.
  So what about the other aspects of the Christian life; worship and praise, discipleship, loving your neighbor/enemy/everyone? These also need to be the very present aspects of our lives. Setting a schedule is not a bad thing but we need to not limit ourselves to that schedule. In so doing we run the risk of putting Jesus in a little religious box only to be brought out at specified times. We are to have the image of Christ within us projected dynamically outward through our lives.
  Let us marvel everyday at the baby in the manger who is truly God and not set that aside just for Christmas. Let's experience Easter and Pentecost in every moment of the lives. Look! Here is the Kingdom of God! "... Rejoice and be glad in it!"

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